This couldn't have been a better Saturday to spend in Prague. The weather was perfect and the sites were equally amazing. After a nice breakfast, a fellow Travel Bug Ashley C. and I hit the streets of Prague with one thing on our minds; SHOPPING! We started our shopping day promptly at 11 a.m. and walked all over; checking out different boutiques, second-hand stores and little indoor malls, but everything we saw was either completely out of our budget or neglected to give us that "I HAVE TO HAVE THIS!" feeling so we continued on our journey. We came across souvenir shops which were totally our speed and we spent at least an hour in one particular one that had everything Prague inside of it. We grabbed the things we wanted and paid what we considered reasonable prices and were on our way to one of our first stops in Prague, the John Lennon Wall. The John Lennon Wall was so artistic and so memorizing that we couldn't leave Prague without going back for more pictures. To get to the wall we had to walk thru the old city square, but to get there, we had to walk through the one thing that made us go broke in Vienna, a market. As excited as we were to see the market, was how knowledgable we were about how much money was going to magically dissapear from our pockets the second we started looking. The market was so tempting, but Ashley and I had enough will power to say NO, WE WILL NOT BUY ANYTHING.......until we go see the John Lennon Wall, and then we'll come back and totally buy everything. :) Prying us say from the market was a but difficult but once we hit the old city square there were so many things to see that the market was pushed to the back of our minds very quickly.
Seeing beautiful churches and the famous astronomical clock and cute little cafés made our journey to the John Lennon Wall so much more worth it, but once we got to the wall there was something waiting for us that we were certainly not expecting. As we're approaching the wall we see a crowd of people and Ashley and I automatically thought that it would be a lost cause trying to get a good picture in front of it, so as we get closer we see a lot of trailers and cords and wires all around and realized that they were filming in front of the wall for a movie! The production team were allowing people take pictures in front of the wall for minutes at a time before the resumed filming and Ashley and I didn't know if we were more amazed at the fact that they were filming an actual movie or that the one time in life that we are in Prague we are rushed and almost booted off the set of a public area because of a movie production! All in all it was pretty cool and our pictures turned out nice.
On our way back to the market, we took some great pictures on the Charles bridge and just enjoyed all the beauty Prague had to offer us. We made it back to the market where surprisingly we bought quite a bit and paid very little. They had tons of little souvenirs and cool keep sakes that we totally took advantage of. We got everyone on our list something to take back home and left happy with our purchases. We hopped on the subway and made it back to the hotel. As we were walking up to our room I just so happen to look down at my phone and it said 7:08 p.m. we had been walking for over 8 hours and boy it sure did feel like it! Regardless of how tired we were Ashley and I went to dinner with some other Eurocats, and came back to the hotel and were pooped. It was a great free day in Prague, and tomorrow we are suppose to visit the Prague Castle and I can't wait! Check in with Cassie for pictures and a post about that exciting trip tomorrow! Continue to keep up with the Travel Bugs because our time left abroad is quickly coming to an end and you don't want to miss a thing!
All my love from Prague,
Gabbi :)
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